Starting from:


FS22_ITALIA_Emilia_Ext_SP (Low Quality textures)

SET A FAIR PRICE FOR MY WORK! download and enjoy.

Minimum donation amount: € 1,00 *
Recommended donation amount: € 5,00
Write 0.00 € if you want to download the mod without supporting my work

* EG - If you intend to support my work, I recommend that you do not donate less than 1,00€ otherwise a large chunk (if not all) of your donation will be absorbed by the transition fees 
* DE - Wenn Sie meine Arbeit unterstützen wollen, empfehle ich Ihnen, nicht weniger als 1,00€ zu spenden, da sonst ein großer Teil Ihrer Spende, wenn nicht sogar die gesamte Spende, von den Übergangsgebühren absorbiert wird.

You will find more information about this product at official website


ATTENTION: In order for the ITALIA map to work correctly, make sure you also have these mods:

Fiat X70 Series
New Holland TX 32
Amazone D9