Starting from:


FS22 DEUTSCHLAND Ver (Standard Quality textures)

SET A FAIR PRICE FOR MY WORK! download and enjoy.

Minimum donation amount: € 1,00 *
Recommended donation amount: € 5,00
Write 0.00 € if you want to download the mod without supporting my work
* IT - Se intendi supportare il mio lavoro, raccomando di non donare meno di 1,00€ altrimenti la tua donazione si perdedrà, quasi completamente, in tasse e commissioni.
Per questa mappa sono disponibili pacchetti di texture che migliorano la qualità grafica di edifici e altri elementi di arredo. Maggiori informazioni qui: Deutschland TEXTURE

* EG - If you intend to support my work, I recommend that you do not donate less than 1,00€ otherwise a large chunk (if not all) of your donation will be absorbed by the transition fees.
Texture packs are available for this map that improve the graphical quality of buildings and other features. More information here: Deutschland TEXTURE
* DE - Wenn Sie meine Arbeit unterstützen wollen, empfehle ich Ihnen, nicht weniger als 1,00€ zu spenden, da sonst ein großer Teil Ihrer Spende, wenn nicht sogar die gesamte Spende, von den Übergangsgebühren absorbiert wird.
Für diese Karte gibt es Texturpakete, die die grafische Qualität von Gebäuden und anderen Elementen verbessern. Mehr Informationen hier: Deutschland TEXTURE

You will find more information about this product at official website
Attention: make sure you have both the map and the mod "FS22_RaschiatoreD" among the mods (you can download this mod together with the map). The other mods for the map to work properly are:

Mercedes-Benz MBtrac Series